DogsAndCats.bg celebrates its second birthday
The site shares knowledge and experience in raising pets
The DogsAndCats.bg platform, part of leading digital media and technology company Net Info, celebrates its second birthday. The site brings together quality and credible content designed for all current and prospective dog and cat owners. Useful information is presented in an understandable language for all users who want to gain additional knowledge and experience in raising animals.
“We are thrilled to be celebrating our second birthday and can say without a doubt that we are grateful, motivated and inspired to express our love for our dogs and cats! We receive many inquiries and questions from you on a daily basis, a fact that can only make us happy and tell us that we are on the right track! Because the goal of DogsAndCats.bg has always been this – to create a virtual place where every pet owner can find something for themselves”, said the DogsAndCats.bg team on the festive day.
In the past year 2023, the site held a photo contest in which many dogs and cats participated, photographed in a curious, funny, natural or sleeping pose, and the winners delighted their pets with supplements for even more beautiful fur and healthy joints. DogsAndCats.bg was again present at the International Cat Show, which took place in Sofia in May. What surprises the editorial team has prepared in the new year, animal lovers will find out very soon.