CarMarket.bg turns two, how will it develop in the next two years?
24 are the months that the website CarMarket.bg turns today. 24 are also the frames per second, so the site’s focus is on video content when presenting new car models.
Success for any website is measured in building an audience to seek awareness on it. Such is the goal of CarMarket.bg, but besides automotive awareness, the platform strives to be an objective opinion corrector when it comes to exploring all options before buying a new car. Among the aspirations of the website is to be helpful with advice on used cars, which account for a huge proportion of all those 3.1 million cars that are recorded at the traffic police.
On the day that CarMarket.bg turns two, the platform focuses on the important topics that will be in focus in the coming years.
- The unprecedented transformation of the automotive world
Against the backdrop of the unprecedented transformation that the automotive industry is going through, CarMarket.bg is uniquely positioned to evolve at one of the most interesting moments in the nearly 140-year history in which it is the automobile that is driving the development of the world. For if the transition from the horse to the automobile was driven solely by the logic of human development, today politicians are seriously involved in the equation, and this makes the situation quite interesting, but uncertain from the manufacturers’ point of view.
The editorial team is faced with the task of responding to the different ways of communicating that are evolving alongside the transformation of both the entire industry and consumer habits. And by transformation, we mean not only the shift to electric mobility, but also the accelerated development of technologies that are increasingly entering the industry. By 2030, they are expected to bring around $1.5 trillion in additional revenue to the global automotive industry.
- Focus on video content on all platforms
Video content is a key communication method that the CarMarket.bg editorial team is developing to showcase new models emerging on the domestic market. At the same time, more video content on social networks is being emphasized, a task that at first glance seems easy, but capturing and retaining the attention of the consumer is not easy.
- The topic of “Electrification” in the form of a new special project
Now, the topic “electrification” is among the most topical for the industry, so the team of CarMarket.bg has prepared a new format for the presentation of electric cars. Among the special projects of the editorial team, the highlight is “Explore Bulgaria with an electric car”. The aim is an in-depth and unbiased look at electric mobility, which challenges extreme opinions in our society. The aim is to objectively present all the pros and cons of a particular model because the electric car is far from being a means of transport in the city alone. This will be accompanied by useful storytelling related to the presentation of lesser-known landmarks in our country so that the content is both useful and interesting.
- Content that provokes user interest
No matter whether the editorial staff of CarMarket.bg writes about the topics related to our homeland that arouse the most interest, whether the topic is the modern and the new trends, whether the current picture of the car market is analyzed or whether a look is taken at the nostalgic times of the Soviet past and the cars for which one waited a decade, the focus is always on content that will hold the reader’s attention.
Against this backdrop, the appearance of CarMarket.bg in Net Info’s portfolio was a more than logical addition to the verticals of the largest internet company on the Bulgarian market.
Today colleagues will cut the cake, but this does not mean that the game ever stops, because there will always be a place for valuable content in our lives. Moreover, we are just entering the era of AI and Chat GPT.